Thank you for helping us get the word out about January in Tucson (JIT) 2025!
JIT is the premiere accelerated Indigenous governance education event in the United States. The 2025 program will feature 11 three-day courses between January 6-25, 2025 led by a host of faculty who “literally wrote the book on Indigenous governance,” according to Indigenous Governance Program Manager Torivio Fodder (Taos Pueblo).
University of Arizona students can earn up to 10 graduate credits during the program. Options for continuing legal education credits (CLE) and professional development certificates are also available for non-UA students.
We’ve compiled the following pre-made content to make it easy for you to share this exciting opportunity with the UArizona community and beyond, including custom graphics, flyers, ready-to-post text and blurbs for your newsletters, emails and any other announcement you see fit to distribute.
Feel free to modify this content to fit your needs and to reach out with any questions or requests you might have related to the program and/or this promotional kit, including requests for modified images, updated or abridged copy, etc.
Thank you again for your support!
Contact Info:
For promotional support, contact Craig Baker, Udall Center Comms & Marketing Lead:
For questions about the program, contact Indigenous Governance Program Manager Tory Fodder at