Who We Are
Andrea Bojorquez
Program Coordinator, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Craig Baker
Communications & Marketing Lead, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy
Justin Boro
Assistant Director, Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy Program
Miriam Jorgensen, PhD
Senior Researcher, Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona
Research Director, Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, Harvard University
Graduate Advisor, Indigenous Governance Program
IGP Steering Committee
Stephen Cornell, PhD
Faculty Chair and Co-Founder of the Native Nations Institute
Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development
Faculty Affiliate, James E. Rogers College of Law
Emeritus Director of the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy
Emeritus Professor of Sociology
Torivio A. Fodder, JD, SJD
Indigenous Governance Program Manager, Native Nations Institute
Miriam Jorgensen, PhD
Senior Researcher, Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona
Research Director, Harvard Project on American Indian Economic Development, Harvard University
Graduate Advisor, Indigenous Governance Program
Joseph P. Kalt, PhD
Ford Foundation Professor of International Political Economy (emeritus), Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government
Joan Timeche, MBA
Executive Director, Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona