Law & Culture

Law and Culture


8 a.m. – 12:20 p.m., Jan. 16 – 18, 2026

1 Graduate Credit OR
1 Continuing Ed Credit



Dec. 24, 2024


Course LAW 631F Details

Melissa Tatum

With increasing frequency, disputes arise over who can control the use of culture and cultural resources, particularly as culture has come to be viewed as a marketable commodity. These disputes often involve protection of cultural property and both items and places of cultural importance; ethical and legal issues involved in collection, display and return of cultural objects; and intellectual property issues involved in traditional knowledge. These issues most commonly arise with respect to Indigenous cultures; we will concentrate primarily on native culture, but we will also examine other discrete and insular communities.

Course Format

Students will meet on campus for three consecutive afternoons at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona.

Readings and Syllabus

Syllabus will be posted on UArizona's online learning platform, D2L, along with required readings to all registered students. 

Attendance & Participation

This course will be delivered in person at the University of Arizona. Participants must attend all 3 classes to receive a passing grade. Exceptions will be made only at the faculty's discretion.


Online registration for this course will open September 1st at 10 AM. After registration, participants will receive a receipt of registration. Subsequently, participants will receive class instructions 1-2 weeks before the start of the course.



