Meeting Days
Course Description: LAW 695 | 1 credit
The course will discuss the federal, state, and tribal laws and regulations federally recognized Tribes must follow to offer Indian Gaming as a form of economic development through tribally-owned gaming operations. The course will discuss Federal Indian Law and policy, Indian Gaming history and origins, state and tribal agreements/relations as they pertain to the gaming operations, and tribal regulatory responsibilities over their gaming facilities. The course will also discuss the roles and responsibilities of Tribes as a government in this capacity, as well as on-going efforts to secure tribal rights to self-govern, and self-determination. The course draws from comparative sources with a focus on how different tribes operate their gaming operations, including the dynamic between different state laws across the nation and how they interact with the many different tribes operating gaming facilities within them.
- How does law function to create a framework for tribes choosing to operate gaming enterprises as a form of economic development?
- How can federally recognized tribes use law to secure rights and exercise tribal self-governance and self-determination through gaming enterprises?
- What role do tribes, states, and the federal government play in the operation of tribally owned gaming operations?
Course Format
Students will meet on campus for three consecutive afternoons at the James E. Rogers College of Law at the University of Arizona.
Readings and Syllabus
Syllabus will be posted on UArizona's online learning platform, D2L, along with required readings to all registered students.
Attendance & Participation
This course will be delivered in person at the University of Arizona. Participants must attend all 3 classes to receive a passing grade. Exceptions will be made only at the faculty's discretion.
After registering online, participants will receive a receipt of registration. Subsequently, participants will receive class instructions 1-2 weeks before the start of the course. After registration, participants will receive a receipt of registration. Subsequently, participants will receive class instructions 1-2 weeks before the start of the course.